Manifesto from the Mountain Top

“Advanced humanity, the mystics and the knowers, are becoming increasingly aware of the mind which directs the evolutionary process. When this awareness is cultivated and the individual mind is brought consciously into contact with the mind of GOD as it expresses itself through the illumined mind of the Hierarchy of adepts, we shall have the steady growth of omniscience.” - Alice Bailey, “Telepathy”

As I write this, I’m still discovering what my full role will be within the Yoga community outside of my own individual practicing. The truth is that I’ve been pretty resistant (in some ways) to Yoga for years now. Though I have been resistant to Yoga in years past, as of recent I have felt more called to it. In my past chapters, I always described my experiences as climbing up a mountain with someone on my back like the character in the book “Holes” who climbed up a mountain with someone on their back. Now that I’m at the top of the mountain, I’m learning to just catch my BREATH, to be in the moment, to find comfort, joy, love, and more in my everyday experiences. I came into the physical incarnation to live and that is what I’m choosing to do. Though it’s not energetically always possible to stay in the intentional state of living life to the fullest, I’m committed on reminding myself to at least try to always show up for LIFE.

During the pandemic, I “lost” my breath and now through Yoga and as I sit on the mountain top that I climbed up with someone on my back, I’m working to take back my breath but I want to know why/how it was taken from me in the first place though I have some ideas already about how it was taken but that’s for another chapter as it’s a complex theory in development but Yoga (in part) did help bring me to the theory.

Power of the collective conscious

My resistance to Yoga hasn’t been so much the Asanas themselves and one of the reasons that I decided to take a teacher training program was not because I necessarily wanted to teach Yoga but I did want to get to the root of Yoga with technical training to make sure that I hadn’t created my own incorrect theory of what I THOUGHT or HEARD Yoga was. I took the teacher certification program to see how I could incorporate Yoga into my own “traditional” fitness space that I will eventually expand into a whole body wellness space that incorporates “traditional fitness” with Yoga, AIRYoga, Pilates, Calisthenics, & other whole body wellness lifestyles. My plan is to create an intentional community, a literal town(s), around the concept and what its full potential will be is imagined greatly but unknown truly because the work that has to be done is at least 100+ years of work that will exist well beyond my time on Earth in this incarnation that I’m in today. But while I’m here, I plan to work to create intentional communities through the lens of decolonization, by getting back to the roots to live intentionally within reimagined curated systems and networks that benefit the WHOLE of humanity, other species, and Earth itself. A utopia with MAN? Not likely possible but we can create intentional communities founded on a set of shared principles that incorporate concepts of philosophy in order to advance the WHOLE of humanity. #EarthSeeds

“Intelligence is ongoing, individual adaptability. Adaptations that an intelligent species may make in a single generation, other species make over many generations of selective breeding and selective dying.” Octavia E. Butler, “Parable of the Sower”

I came upon Yoga truly because of my OWN EGO that would not allow me to accept some of the principles of Yoga because my EGO that is guided by the fire sign ruled by MARS (often said to be a planet associated with war) is certain that there has to be balance between the whole concept of “live, laugh, love” and WAR (the prevention of it, protection from it, and accountability of those who engage in it). Who am I? Where am I going? What will my legacy be? I’m living in the moment for now so I don’t have the answer to those questions but I can hear the call to the PROMISED LAND but I must find solace/content/stillness in this moment of NOW to get there. I’ve had a fire raging inside for generations and I’m just now learning how to control that fire. Please excuse me while I take my time to step into this new reality that I’m experiencing and again, somewhat resistant to.

“I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes. Now I must do it again.” Roku, “Avatar”

Manifesto by Bear Writer

"Humans are a portion of the universe in human form"
"The Matrix is Neo" (Neo meaning something that has been done before)
By evolving you health evolve the planet
Manifesting the full human potential